Making Math Visible

What Students are Saying about Making Math Visible

I really enjoyed this activity it was fun and creative and showed math can turn into a beautiful piece.

I loved it.  Even if it was hard at first I enjoyed it.

The workshop was a great combination of math and art, something that most people rarely think go together, but really do. All in all, through this activity I found the fun in learning.

I really enjoyed working and communicating with my table, and how cool it was to turn this lifeless flat shape, into a geometric work of art. My favorite part was the end of the block, in which me and my partner got to see our final creation...

In my opinion this was the first time I ever had fun in math class.

My favorite part was seeing the finished result and seeing everyone's cognitive thinking in action when they finished their orbs of paper.

Overall, I think this exhibition was amazing it was struggling at times when me and my partner could not get some things. On the other hand, after I had a good feeling like I accomplished something this is because my mind was thinking although I kept getting stuck I gave it my all by finishing and never giving up.

I really enjoyed your class!  I found it very fascinating.  I learned a lot.  Before you came I never knew that there were shapes called Icosahedrons or Tetrahedron!  I also never thought that it was possible to make a cube shaped bubble!  I went home and continued to make shapes.  I hope that you come back.  Thank you.

That was pretty awesome.  I think you should go to more schools to teach them about this stuff.  I pretty much loved it.

The whole class has a lot of fun, especially when we worked together to create something that we could all call our own.

I liked how they put math in a new perspective.

It was the only fun thing I've done in math.  I'm glad I got the chance to do that.

I liked every single moment of the class.  I never thought mathematics would be that fun.  I never thought I would make a sculpture by using math.  I liked the patterns and the work we did.  I will make a lot of them and share with my family and friends.